The “Contrada of Le Coste”, formed around the second half of the thirteenth century, was known in the past to be one of the poorest areas of the ancient city.
Noble families never occupied its area; in fact, the district was renowned for the commoners populating its streets. During the yearly procession in honor of San Giovanni Decollato, its inhabitants were famous for carrying a ten-pound candle – compared to the fifteen-pound ones carried by other Contrade. Despite this, though, it was still considered a major district. Even today its population is represented by just a few dozen families, but the district is convivial and dynamic. A few years after the Bravìo delle Botti was reestablished, most of the inhabitants of the neighborhood built near the church of San Biagio began to be part of Le Coste as well. We are therefore faced with a phenomenon of traditional urbanization in which the residents of San Biagio associate with Le Coste, thus making the district’s life more sociable and energetic than ever.
The district of Le Coste has won 8 editions of the Bravìo delle Botti: 1978, 1980, 1983, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.